The Central African Republic's flag is blue, white, green, yellow, and red. What are the colors of the Central African Republic flag? You can download free vector images of the flag in various sizes here. They also appear on some private flags, such as business logos. These colors appear on all public flags across South Africa. In conclusion, the colors of the South African flag are orange, green, and blue. But they do represent the diversity of people that make up South Africa as well as its history. There are no words written on the flag and there is no symbolism behind its colors or design. It was used as a civil color under British rule after 1825. The blue is called 'lobola' and it means 'sky' in Xhosa. It was used as a military color during the Dutch colonial period (1652-1806).
The green is called 'wiljoekop' and it comes from a local word for olive tree. It was first used as a flag color in 1825 when Cape Colony became a British colony. The orange in the flag is called 'kaffir oomie' and it comes from the roots 'kerrie' and 'gold'. The remainder of the African flag colors may be found by clicking on this link. If you require their national colors for any of your digital, paint, or print work, use these color values. The fundamental colors of the South African flag are orange, green, and blue.